The story begins about 160 000 years ago...
A mere 2 hours up the West Coast, from Cape Town, some of the earliest known evidence of human creative expression and symbolism was found at the Diepkloof Rock Shelter.
Blended beautifully into the rocks, PX overlooks the Diepkloof Rock Shelter, 1 of 3 official heritage sites that form the cradle of human culture.
"More recently, researchers have discovered evidence of human occupation for nearly 85000 years , and what is believed to be some of the earliest uses of symbolism" -
PX itself has rock art hidden all through the rock formations, some you might find just by going for a walk around your tent.
It's incredible to think that 160 000 years ago, long before the pyramids of Egypt, humans first started drawing patterns and symbols here, on the west coast of Southern Africa.
In more recent times, Planet Xancara has become known for it’s beautiful outdoor setting and private villa feel. Perfect for small tribes of around 16 people or less that want a safe space to reconnect with nature, themselves and other worlds.
"A symbol contains embedded knowledge and stories, sometimes a hidden messages but always a meaning. When we understand somethings meaning, a meaningful connection is made.
The story of symbolism on our particular piece of land goes back to some of the earliest known humans. Planet Xancara is situated beside the Diepkloof Rock Shelter, which forms part of the Cradle of Human Cultre - a story going back 160 000 years. Predating the Pyramids of Giza almost 10-fold in many respects and arguably more significant because this is where some of the first forms of human symbolism and evolved human thinking took place. A place where new meaning was brought into the world.
Our symbol is an honouring of this land, the spirits and its many ancestors.
It is believed that when a leopard, eagle and snake roam the land, it is blessed and protected and must be respected - Planet Xancara is home to all of these majestic beings.
The symbol is called “The Infinite Eye” and is a creative combination of elements from the Leopard, The Snake and The Eagles, specifically the eyes.
When chatting to the creator of Planet Xancara, you might come to discover the story behind the vision and the symbol:
“Love is what brings us together, a shared vision is what keeps us together”.
This symbol represents a shared vision of humanity and nature, and that is, Planet Xancara.